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Muller Vineyard Course Maps

3.21 mile course

screen image of the Google Earth map

elevation profile (created with Ascent, a Mac program). Ascent generated a total climb of 339 feet for the 3.21 mile course.

course map with 3D features and much more - A .kmz or .kml file should download to your computer and open in Google Earth. Some browsers require right click to "save linked file".

1.98 mile course

screen image of the Google Earth map

elevation profile (created with Ascent, a Mac program). Ascent generated a total climb of 153 feet for the 1.98 mile course.

course map with 3D features and much more - A .kmz or .kml file should download to your computer and open in Google Earth. Some browsers require right click to "save linked file".

Total climb data for various varsity courses:

Mt. SAC 576’
Crystal Springs 419’
Muller Vineyard 339’
Frogtown 291’
Toro Park 276’
Newhall Park 265’
Monte Vista 221’
Woodward Park 172’